

We offer technical training courses on the various industrial automation solutions that we offer. These hands-on courses are continually taught in our state-of-the-art technical training centers in Baton Rouge, Deer Park (Houston), Dallas, Corpus Christi and Tulsa. Any of our courses can also be taken onsite to any location and can be tailored to meet the specific needs and applications of customers just like you. Contact Emily Jones, TechStar’s Customer Experience Coordinator, to register for your TechStar University course today!


Give your technicians the training they have been asking for to better work with the 3500 Series Machinery Monitoring System. If you are tired of calling the OEM for problems that are simple fixes, this training can make your technicians more capable of handling these problems.

Fixed Gas Permanent Instrument Training (Basic): This 2–hour class is designed specifically for maintenance or instrument shop personnel responsible for operating MSA Permanent Instruments at their facility. This session is intended to educate individuals on proper calibration techniques and common troubleshooting scenarios for the MSA fixed gas detectors.

Fixed Gas Permanent Instrument Training (Advanced): This 8–hour class is designed specifically for maintenance or instrument shop personnel who will be maintaining, calibrating and repairing MSA Permanent Instruments for use at their facility.

POI 2: Flow
One–day, hands–on session covering the following agenda topics:
  • Differential Pressure Transmitters
  • Vortex Shedding Flow Meters
  • Electromagnetic Flow Meters
  • Coriolis Flow Meters
  • Ultrasonic Transmitters
  • Thermal Dispersion Flow Meters
Flow Training (Advanced) This course provides instrument technicians and engineers with an in-depth, hands-on training on the Yokogawa ROTAMASS Total Insight (TI) Coriolis Mass and Density Flow Meter and the ADMAG AXG Magnetic Flow Meter. The session will begin with an introduction to the technologies and will then progress into an extensive hands-on review of the meters. This is a one-day course. The class is conducted at THE UNIT, TechStar’s fully functional verification unit where individuals will transfer their knowledge into hands-on scenarios utilizing the state-of-the-art live training unit.

What will you learn from taking this course:

  • About condition monitoring, including a summary of the most common technologies
  • About reliability improvement
  • How vibration analysis plays a key role in
  • reliability improvement
  • About how machines work via the supplementary self study “equipment knowledge” section of the manual
  • About the fundamentals of vibration: waveforms, spectra, and simple metrics (overall levels, RMS, peak, peak to peak, and crest factor)
  • How to take dependable, repeatable, high-quality vibration readings
  • About vibration sensors, and how and where to mount them
  • The basics of the analysis process, primarily with vibration spectra
  • The basics of the key analyzer settings: fmax, resolution, and averaging
  • The basics of setting alarm limits
  • About the common “failure modes” of machines and how to detect them, including rolling element bearing faults, unbalance, misalignment, looseness, and resonance

What will you learn from taking this course:

  • Increase your knowledge on maintenance practices, condition monitoring, and the common condition monitoring technologies
  • Increase your knowledge about data collection, testing techniques, sensor types, and so on
  • Learn a great deal about signal processing and the settings of your vibration analyzer
  • Increase your knowledge of spectrum analysis, time waveform analysis, and phase analysis
  • Understand why phase analysis and time waveform analysis are both critical tools used by the vibration analyst
  • Learn about common failure modes and how to detect them, including unbalance, misalignment, looseness, resonance, pump/fan/compressor vane, and flow issues, cavitation, turbulence, gearbox failures, rolling element bearing failure, and more
  • Learn about high-frequency bearing and gear fault detection techniques: demodulation, enveloping, SPM HD, shock pulse, PeakVue, Spike Energy, and others
    Be able to use spectra, phase readings, time waveforms, bump and impact tests, to test for looseness, resonance, and other conditions
  • Learn about precision shaft alignment and soft foot correction
  • Learn about single and two-plane balancing
  • Learn the basics of setting alarm limits: band alarms, and mask/envelope alarms
  • The key is that with the VCAT-II course, you will transition from being a person who is primarily capable of collecting data to a person who can diagnose faults on the critical machinery, and in some cases, prevent or correct them.

What will you learn from taking this course:

  • Review of condition monitoring technologies and the ISO standards
  • Signal processing and data acquisition
  • Time waveform analysis
  • Phase analysis
  • Dynamics (natural frequencies and resonance)
  • Testing for natural frequencies
  • Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) analysis
  • Modal analysis and intro to FEA
  • Correcting resonances
  • Rolling element bearing fault detection
  • Journal bearing fault detection
  • Electric motor testing
  • Pumps, fans, and compressors
  • Gearbox fault detection
  • Corrective action
  • Running a successful condition
  • monitoring program
  • Acceptance testing
  • Review of ISO standards
  • The key is that with the VCAT-III course, you will transition from being a vibration analyst who should be supervised to a person who is capable of running the program, being a senior consultant, solving difficult problems, and taking a leadership role.
What will you learn from taking this course:
  • Advanced signal processing
  • Cross channel measurements
  • Dynamics (mass/stiffness/damping,
  • natural frequencies, modes)
  • Resonance testing (run-up/coast down tests, impact tests, ODS, modal analysis)
  • Corrective action (flow control, resonance correction, isolation, and damping)
  • Proximity probe and casing measurements
  • Orbit and centerline plot analysis
  • Rotor dynamics (natural frequencies, modeling)
  • Journal bearings (design, fluid film instabilities)
  • Flexible rotor balancing
  • Torsional vibration
The key is that with the VCAT-IV course, you will transition from being a very good vibration analyst to a vibration super-hero!The key is that with the VCAT-IV course, you will transition from being a very good vibration analyst to a vibration super-hero!

Why we perform condition monitoring.

  • How to decide between reactive, preventive, condition-based, and proactive maintenance
  • Vibration Analysis, Ultrasound Analysis, Oil Analysis, Wear Particle Analysis, and Electric Motor Testing
  • All about heat vs. temperature and temperature scales
  • The laws of thermodynamics
  • How thermal conductivity occurs in different materials
  • The difference between thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity
  • Real-life examples of conductive heat transfer
  • Convective heat transfer
  • How wind will affect the results you achieve
  • Radiant heat transfer
  • How your infrared camera works and the functionality to perform inspections
  • How to acquire data and process images
  • “Thermal tuning.”
  • How to determine emissivity
  • How to identify and deal with reflections
  • How to acquire data and store images
  • The basic principles of diagnostics and prognostics
  • The relationship between CBM, diagnostics, and prognostics
  • The different thermal signatures of heat generation
  • The concept of “comparative temperature measurements.”
  • How to distinguish between active and passive thermography

What will I be capable of once I complete the course?

In short, you will have a solid understanding of the “big picture” of the reliability improvement process.

As a manager thinking of starting a new initiative (or reviving an existing one):

  • You will understand the key ingredients of running a successful program:
  • Defining value
  • Gaining senior management support
  • Having a detailed strategy
  • Developing a motivated reliability culture
  • You will see how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together
  • How the technical elements support the overall business goal

As a person who is new to “reliability improvement” you will gain:

  • A detailed understanding of the business case
  • A detailed understanding of the “big picture” of reliability and performance improvement
  • A solid understanding of the technical aspects, along with all the reliability, maintenance, and CBM technologies, techniques, and jargon
  • The ability to contribute to an existing program
  • Motivation to get involved and play your role

What will I be capable of once I complete the course?

The role of “Reliability Engineer” does not have a clearcut definition. And different organizations utilize reliability engineers differently. However, after our course, you will have a solid understanding of a wide range of topics that will enable you to perform the tasks that are commonly performed by reliability engineers, and provide advice to people in the maintenance, engineering, and operations/ production departments.

  • Reliability Data Analysis
  • Asset strategy development: FTA, RCM,
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Lubrication management
  • Precision maintenance
  • Work and spares management
  • Root cause failure analysis

What will I be capable of once I complete the course?

In short, you will be capable of successfully leading a reliability improvement program. You will understand:

  • How to develop the economic justification
    How to develop and implement a strategy
  • How to build a culture of reliability and performance improvement
  • How to ensure that everyone is trained, motivated, and qualified to play their role
  • How to break out of reactive maintenance
  • How to lead a team that will establish discipline in everything it does
  • Caring for the equipment so their life is maximized
  • Learning from a range of data so the best decisions can be made and continuously improving everything that is done

What will you learn from taking this course:

  • About condition monitoring, including a summary of the most common technologies
  • About reliability improvement
  • How ultrasound testing and ultrasound-assisted lubrication plays a key role in reliability improvement
  • About the fundamentals of sound: frequency, amplitude, wavelength, pitch, and period
  • How it is measured and quantified: dB, RMS, peak, kurtosis, and crest factor
  • How sound behaves: speed of sound, reflection, refraction, and transmission
  • How ultrasound is detected in industrial settings
  • How to take dependable, repeatable, high-quality readings
  • About listening to ultrasound, and capturing and interpreting waveforms and spectra
  • About how to set up software systems, including the naming of assets
  • About impacts, friction, turbulence, cavitation, arcing, tracking, corona, and partial discharge
  • How it can be used to detect faults in bearings, electrical systems, steam traps, valves, hydraulic equipment, pumps, compressors, and other equipment
  • About how hydraulics, electrical systems, steam systems, compressors, bearings, pumps, valves, steam traps, and other components work – all with vivid, realistic 3D animations
  • How to correctly lubricate bearings: not too much, not too little
  • How to collect data and perform tests safely
  • How to generate reports that will provide people with the information they really need
POI 3: Level One-day, hands-on session covering the following agenda topics: Continuous Level Measurement – Through–Air Radar and Guided Wave Radar Radiometric/Nuclear Level Measurement Displacer Level Measurement Level Switches Magnetic Level Indicator/Bridle Point Level Measurement Click here to download the agenda.

Level: Radar & Guided Wave (Advanced)
This twoday class is for operators and technicians who are responsible for through-air and guided wave radar gauges. Individuals will become familiar with the physics, startup, operation, calibration and troubleshooting techniques needed to gain an overall understanding of the interaction between the process and the measurement device. The class is conducted at THE UNIT, TechStar’s fully functional verification unit where individuals will transfer their knowledge into handson scenarios utilizing the stateoftheart live training unit.

The Machinery Diagnostics Seminar is an in–depth look at the vibration data formats and the machinery diagnostics data contained within each of the plot formats. Additionally, machinery malfunction topics such as rubs, unbalance looseness, instability and more are covered comprehensively. The course is designed for people that will be dealing with vibration data and diagnosing machinery problems from that data.
Have you ever had a problem understanding or utilizing Modbus? If so, you are not alone! While the Modbus protocol has been around since 1979 with millions of active devices in use, Modbus is among the most misunderstood and challenging protocols to implement and troubleshoot in the field today. Texas Automation Systems Modbus trainers have extensive field experience in troubleshooting and commissioning Modbus devices. This course will allow the attendee to learn and benefit from decades of real-life experience that will result in significantly reducing the time to implement, troubleshoot, and maintain Modbus devices and connections going forward.
This training class is for analyzer technicians and process engineers who want to walk away with a better understanding of the fundamentals of moisture measurement in various applications. Individuals will learn about technologies involved in making this measurement, as well as troubleshooting and installation tips for current and future installations.
Using hands-on demonstrations in the PLC training, we frame the challenging world of automation and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) into practical, down-to-earth lessons that are simple and easy to understand. Students will learn to comprehend the PLC language, read and interpret PLC ladder logic, troubleshoot PLC programs, and fix the most common PLC problems on their own. Curriculum will also cover communications between PLCs, SCADA, DCS, and devices in the field. The materials and Hands-on Labs are not brand specific, and are focused on general PLC concepts and best practices. The PLC training is beneficial no matter the brand of controller attendees use.

The purpose of this training is to educate instrumentation technicians, engineers or technical salespersons on the basics of various process measurements and electronic testing tools that they will be using on a daily basis. Upon completion of this course, attendees will further develop their overall knowledge and have the ability to communicate on the same level as experienced personnel.

POI Training is offered as a comprehensive package or may be customized to meet the individual’s specific training needs. Speak with Emily Jones, TechStar’s Customer Experience Coordinator for more information.

Topics Reviewed:

  • Communication Basics
  • HART Communication Basics
  • Understanding Hazardous Areas
  • Signal Conditioning and Isolation
  • Level Measurements
  • Pressure Measurements
  • Temperature Measurements
  • Liquid Flow Measurements
  • Gas Flow Measurements
  • Wireless Communication
  • Multi–meter Basics
  • Calibration Tools and their Uses
  • Gas Detection

The purpose of this training is to educate instrumentation technicians, engineers or technical salespersons on the basics of various process measurements and electronic testing tools that they will be using on a daily basis. Upon completion of this course, attendees will further develop their overall knowledge and have the ability to communicate on the same level as experienced personnel.

POI Training is offered as a comprehensive package or may be customized to meet the individual’s specific training needs. Speak with Emily Jones, TechStar’s Customer Experience Coordinator for more information.

This two-day class is designed for engineers, analyzer technicians and other roles within the hydrocarbon processing industry whose responsibility it is to work with process analyzers, sample conditioning systems and gas chromatographs. The course will review principles of operation, design and best practices and will provide students with an introductory knowledge of the topics covered.

How to use liquid ultrasonic flow measurement instruments and software, and how to properly install, set up and troubleshoot clamp-on and wetted liquid flow instruments.

Have some questions about TechStar training?

Please contact:

Emily Jones

TechStar Customer Experience Coordinator

Emily has a strong background in customer service. She works closely with our customer base, corporate trainers and manufacturers in continuing to develop and expand our technical training offering. 
Contact Emily at any time to discuss:
  • Specific training and development needs/objectives for personnel
  • Custom training courses tailored to your company’s specific equipment needs
  • Training options onsite at your location or TechStar Training Center Locations






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